Supplies for Laminating
By Alicia Cohen
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Being able to laminate at home is a handy and useful thing! And, it's easy to do!
What sorts of things do I laminate?
Well, sometimes I want to laminate something for myself, like a pretty quote I want to hang up or maybe some labels, because laminating helps to make paper more durable by protecting it.
Sometimes I want to laminate something for the kids, like a visual routine.
Sometimes I want to laminate something so that I can turn a regular piece of paper into a dry erase page.
Sometimes I want to laminate something for my planner system.
Really, there are bunches and bunches of uses for what you can make with a home laminator!
So, if you want to know what supplies you need, keep reading!
// Laminator Machine
To start, you need a laminating machine. This is the one that I own and use. I've had it for years! It works well, is easy to use, and I really like it!
// Laminating Pouches
Next, you need some laminating pouches. You put whatever page that you want to laminate inside one of these pouches. Then, you run it through the laminator, which is hot, and the heat from the laminator seals the page in the pouch, leaving you with a nice, clear, protected page.
It works like this...
Super easy!
// An Alternative - Dry Erase Pockets
If you're not quite sure if you want your own home laminator or not, but you still want the dry erase functionality, then you might consider these dry erase pockets. They're ready to go right out of the package. Just slip your page inside, and you're all set with a dry erase surface.
// Dry Erase Markers
And, if you're looking for some dry erase markers, there are two different types that I like.
I like these dry erase markers, made by Expo, with the ultra fine tip. I like the precision and control I have when I use these! I also like that they come in the "low odor" option!
For a thicker tip option, I like these dry erase markers, made by Expo, with the fine tip. If I want to be able to write with a thicker line, then these ones work nicely! I like that these ones also come in the "low odor" option! (I have a sensitive nose when it comes to smells! In my household, we say that it's one of my superpowers!)
So there you have it! The supplies that you need to easily laminate at home! Again, I think this is a handy and useful little machine to have around! I am glad that I own one!
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